The Father Says Today: July 25th, 2014

Screen Shot 2014-06-05 at 1.29.40 PMThe Father says today say not in your heart “what else could possible go wrong…” Rather, Beloved – say in your heart “what else could possibly GO RIGHT!” Rejoice My beloved for I am bringing you out of the “go wrong” mentality into the “go right” mentality that reflects My timing and My favor. I will make even your enemies to be at peace with you. I will cause even your most egregious mistakes to break you out into new and fresh prosperity. You will stumble with empty pockets and rise up with full provision for the future. The angel reapers are tasked to your life in this season to bring the full stroke of My favor and blessing and purpose into manifestation this day.
What else could possibly go right? Rejoice says the Father. Laugh and sing and be joyful in the path that I have laid out for you. Your path is promotion and your path is blessing. There is a new and living way before you now. It is right before your eyes though you do not understand or comprehend all that this implies. Fear not. I am bringing you forward in peace and joy not understanding and comprehension. The intellect wants all the answers but say within your heart “I don’t have to have all the answers”. You don’t have to have all the answers says the Father. I will cause what you don’t know to be far more of a blessing that what you think you do know. My ways are not your ways and My thoughts are higher than your thoughts. This is a new day. This day change becomes a positive process bringing about the new eventuality you have prayed for!

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