The Father Says Today: July 21st, 2016

dpwThe Father says today ignore the mockery of men – I am acting in your defense. Those that have mocked and those that have scoffed will be occupied elsewhere for I am stepping up to the task at hand in your life to show Myself mighty and to demonstrate My lovingkindness in your behalf. There are times that life’s mercies can be cold comfort when you are hurting says the Father. Close associates hold themselves aloof at times from your need. Those that rallied to your side in victory have withdrawn when things weren’t going so well. Leave them to Me. Give Me those relationships that have crushed you and disappointed you. I am the God that sets the solitary in families. I will never leave you in a broken state. I will renew your joy and give those into your life that will rejoice when you rejoice and weep when you weep.
Be comforted then. No more mourning. Your days of mourning are over. Leave the past in the past. Comfort is who I am and not just what I do. I revealed Myself in the word as COMFORTER and comfort I bring and refreshing I bring into your life and your heart. Be refreshed. Do you understand what I am saying to you? Allow yourself to be refreshed. No more cutting yourself among the tombs with the shards of broken fellowship and relationship. Move on. Stand up. Dust yourself off and move on. Broken people produce brokenness. Broken people walk a broken path. I want your attention and your focus to be upon Me and not any other contaminated filter of disappointment or despondency. I am your hope. I extend hope to you this day for a renewed life – free of the past, rejoicing in the bright future that will be made manifest, and that right quickly says the Father.

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