The Father Says Today: July 1st, 2017

The Father says today you are My battle axe and weapon of war.  When I want to win a battle, I will put you at the forefront! Not because I am putting you at risk but because I created you with a warrior spirit willing to fight the good fight. The good fight IS the good fight because it is the one you win. I have made you a conqueror. That is who you ARE not just something I do for you. When you stand with Me, says the Father, we constitute a superior force no matter what comes after or how many are on the enemy’s side. Never tally the numbers of the opposition. Never put your faith in how many around you are standing firm. I am with you and that is all that matters. I will empower you as men and women of old smote their enemies hip and thigh and did not take no for an answer.  When you are wearying in the battle say of your soul “we play until I win!”.
I have put within you a spirit of excellence and a drive to succeed. There is nothing ungodly or carnal about ambition. I put ambition in you that you might fulfill your destiny and this the season for the fulfillment of all that I have promised you. So be a competitor. Not against man but against the principalities and powers that are resisting. As Paul the apostle did not fight as one that beats the air, so I have empowered you to resist the devil and see him flee from before you in My name. Never lay down in a battle zone. I say again, never lay down in a battle zone and NEVER dance with demons. Refuse to play the religious games others are so adept at. I have set before you an open door. Take the ground I have given you. It is yours now. Drive out the giants. See the walls come down. Take the spoil that I have enabled you to go out and lay hold of in My name. Every promise I have made in My word is at your back and supporting every move you make. Listen to My voice as I say, “this is the way – walk ye in it” for I will never fail you and I will never turn My back on those who have placed My heart and My kingdom as their highest priority.

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