The Father Says Today: July 19th, 2017

The Father says today, My word is a cleansing agent in your life. I have made you clean. What I have called clean, never call unclean. You are clean through My words that I have spoken to you. This is not something man can pronounce over you. Neither is the cleansing I bring something you can see in a mirror or that which can be brought about by religious works or traditions. I am the INSIDE GOD. The mirror of My reality in your life is found by turning inward to the word that I personify on the inside of your person at the deepest level. The flesh can be defiled, but the hidden man of the heart where I dwell can never be defiled. Listen to My inner voice where Christ sits enthroned and you will not hear misdirection, fear or self-loathing. The hidden man of the heart, surrounded by the love of Christ returns that love with perfect rapture. The hidden man of the heart which expresses your truest self, loves the Father with perfect love and loves the externalities of your soul, mind and emotions with unconditional acceptance.
You ARE accepted in the beloved. You ARE holy and without blame before Me in love. There is nothing to earn – only a love life to be walked out. When you are walking out the love life of My person on the inside of you there is cleansing. Who I am is cleansing all defilement and all the pollutions of the soul man and compromised emotions and motivations. Be thou made clean, says the Father. Receive the cleansing that brings you to the place of loving not your life – your psuche, emotional life unto death. This is the death that I am working in you, that the life of who I am might be made manifest. Embrace the process, says the Father. Embrace the process and lose the attitude. Can you feel it? Can you sense the hidden man of the heart seated at the right hand of majesty on high on the INSIDE OF YOU? It is the kingdom coming IN you just as surely as the kingdom is coming on the cosmic scale. It is entering NOW into what everyone else is waiting for THEN. It is accepting the NOW glory of who I AM on the inside of you to deliver and set free and answer every cry of your heart.

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