The Father Says Today: July 19th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today never lose your capacity to live in simplicity before Me. Refuse to be passive in the presence of My majesty. My majesty and My glory are on the inside of you and there is nothing casual about that. My presence within you is resident not to merely enhance your life but to change your life completely. My mind is online in your heart to impart to you the way I think so that you address every interaction and circumstance you face with a present tense expectation of the miraculous. Are you ready for a miracle? There is nothing ho-hum about what I am purposing to bring about even this day. This day is your day of salvation, restoration and restitution. Come out of the lethargy of pessimism and sarcasm. Pessimism and sarcasm are the two primary components of spiritual sloth and indolence. Awake to righteousness says the Father for your entitlement in Me is coming online even this day.
The choice is yours says the Father – for all of My choices have already been made. There are those that imply in their misdirected teaching that somehow I make up My mind to bless on a case by case basis. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even as I have said in My word EVERY PROMISE is YES and AMEN because you are called by My name and belong to Me. My blessing is extended globally and universally in a PAST TENSE provision. I bless preemptively but I do in fact judge on a case by case basis. That is why MERCY triumphs over JUDGMENT. I have seen those that have maligned you and mistreated you. I am giving them the same conservancy of mercy and forbearance that I gave those that drove the nails into My hands and feet. I am not slack in judgment nor do I delay in mercy. Just trust Me to adjudicate in your behalf in such a way that your testimony will be “Lord you have done all things well…” all the while knowing that the mercy you extend to others is a measure of the blessing that you enjoy that was purchased for you as well on the cross of Calvary.

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