The Father Says Today: July 18th, 2017

The Father says today, do not fear the face of man. Your righteousness is of Me. You have nothing to prove to anyone. I have no need to validate My place as the God of the universe and you have nothing to prove regarding your position and placement in Me. I have shown you great and mighty things, says the Father. The day is upon you that the things I have shown you in secret will be shouted from the roof top, even the roof of your mouth. Let your mouth be as a trumpet and your voice be as the blast of heaven releasing the glory. Never mind the skeptics. Never mind the mockers. Never mind those who look upon you with scorn and doubting, for they will never believe, even if one return from the dead and manifest themselves fully. The wisdom of the cynic and the pessimist is folly. There is nothing redemptive found in doubt, pessimism and mockery. Cynicism is a closed loop of cyclical thinking from which there is no exit and no appropriation of truth. The truth is not the evil report, neither is it the good report, but the truth is WHO I AM on the inside of you this day. The facts are descriptive of the circumstance. The truth is the reality of My presence in you that is CHANGING the circumstance by the power of My word.
Know this, says the Father, that the things that are seen are temporal and changeable. It is My unchangeable, unseen reality of glory on the inside of you that is flowing out in your words and your prayers to completely reshape and remold what your tomorrows look like. Embrace the things of the hidden man of the heart. Worship at the altar of the heart on the inside of you where your prayers go up like incense and your worship fills My throne room with the sweet-smelling savor of your petitions. In that inward glory, that resonance of My hidden glory with in you I will be fully known. In that glory, I will blur the line where you leave off and I take up. In that inner glory, there is no need for parlor tricks, or psychic phenomena or outward entertainments, for My presence pushes all this away as I draw you to Myself for the one great experience of total intimacy, total oneness and complete fullness that fills you all in all and drives out the money changers and manipulators that have sought to make merchandise of your hunger for My throne-presence.

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