The Father Says Today: July 18th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today what I call clean, do not call unclean. You are clean through the word that I have spoken to you. There are no great tasks to perform or religious standards to live up to. Your qualification is of Me. Because of who I am and what I have done in your life your disqualification is done away with. You do not have to be a mystic or a hermit to receive My glory. There is no need for you to become erudite in the word as though it was necessary to become a scholar to understand who I am to you this day. No, put all such thoughts from your mind. Do not be seduced away from the simplicity that is in Christ. Realize that I am no respecter of persons but I am a respecter of faith. As you do with your faith what others have done with their faith you will see the same outcome.
This is what it means to become My servant. Serving Me is a matter of hearing My voice, jettisoning your opinion and doing what I say – asking nothing. The one asking all the questions is the one in charge, My beloved so get quiet, listen up and allow Me to teach you. Allow Me to teach you not by what I reveal but by what I have hidden. It is My glory to conceal a matter – it is the glory of kings, even YOUR glory to seek it out. The greatest illumination does not come as a set of answers to a set of questions. My greatest delight is to obscure to your mind My glory that I might reveal to your heart My majesty. So learn to be more comfortable with your questions than you are with everyone else’s answers. The person who cannot stand to have unanswered questions is one who has allowed their mind to usurp My Spirit on the throne of their life. Learn, I say, to sit at My feet as Mary and simply, oh My beloved, learn of Me.

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  • Celeste Evans says:

    Wow‼️‼️‼️ Oh my this so spoke to my heart and my soul and my spirit the flesh part of me has been walking in that pessimistic and sarcastic attitude as a false protector guarding my heart and the shame and this word enabled the spirit to identify that in me and in that identification God’s beautiful pruning of what he doesn’t want I chose to come out of agreement with and cut it away in Jesus name and repented and spoke the words of Isaiah 30 that it is like a filthy rag with no life in it thank you Russ Walton and Kitty for your ministry Lord thank you that this is such a powerful word that today is the day of salvation that shalom that nothing missing nothing broken nothing left out shalom is for each and everyone of us as we ask the Holy Spirit to teach us to show us who he is and who were allowing ourselves to listen to that’s not of Him and that’s where our willpower to choose to cut it out as the Holy Spirit awakens the things that are dead and reminds us and shows us the hidden things of the Lord that he wants to show us to remind us of his glory and going from glory to glory and being strengthened in these days as God is bringing his kingdom down in us and through us thank you Papa.

  • madelon dribble says:

    Always so deep and true.
    Setting us free in Christ and His love and sacrice for us. Simple Thank you.

  • Connie Dillard says:

    God is SO GOOD. He gives us just what we need right when we need it. GLORY TO HIS HOLY NAME!

  • Valencia says:

    Sit at the feet of the Father and learn from Him! Amen!! Thank you!! Haha I almost always learn 1-2 new vocabulary words reading the Daily Prophetic Word! 😀

  • Yes Lord let me learn queitness and sit at your feet to learn the hidden things and who you are in me. Your a good good Father. Thank you for your word to me this day and every day. So that i may live pleasing to you

  • So much revelatory truth in this for me and so many I know! I’m going to read and re-read this word for it is truth and I KNOW it will set me free!!!

  • Amen.. Lord I receive your word right now in my life.. I’m sitting at your feet, teach me and show me the hidden things, as I come closer to you. For faith come by hear, and hear and hear, open my ears holy spirit, So I may understand and know what is afford to me this day. Thank you Father God for your overflowing love.

  • Joshua Madrey says:

    Amen, I am clean by the word you have spoken, this is confirmation to me that I am clean. Thank you Jesus