The Father Says Today: July 17th, 2017

The Father says today, come out of complacency. Complacency is born of despair. My portion in your life brings you out of despair and into a level of authority yet to be fully manifested in the earth. All creation groans and cries out for My sons – My blood bought sons and daughters need to realize who they are in Me and to stand up in their entitlement in Me. Say to your mind “be awakened to righteousness”. Say to your heart “despair not”. Say to your human spirit “rise up into the rule of God in the earth…” You are not a victim. You are a king. You are a priest. I have given you jurisdiction. Every place where you set your feet I have given it to you. Go out and take your territory this day. I will go with you confirming the word of My authority in your mouth with signs following. Go out in power. Go out in knowing. Go out in the strength of My still small voice that bids you now to possess your possessions and take your territory in Me.
This is where I have been leading you. Not to destruction or to reduce you in any way. The pruning and the stripping away you have experienced only takes away that which does not serve My purpose. I am all about life and life more abundantly. Abundance from My throne is being manifest in your behalf. Let there be in your life the great letting go that liberates you from the false burdens of men. Relinquish and set aside the “could have, would have and should have” of past regret. The blood of Calvary makes it possible for you to live without regret and without looking back. No more looking back, says the Father. My soul has no pleasure in looking back, for what is behind you does not represent in the least what I have for you. Do not look back but only look forward and you will find your mouth filled with the Bread of Heaven. You will drink of that rock that has followed you – the Rock of Christ, all of your life. This is your portion, says the Father. I am breaking off of you all despair and despondency and leading you where regret cannot go and where the natural man cannot guide you, but you must draw yourself away with Me that I might change and renew and deliver you fully into the inheritance of the Most High that was set aside for you from the foundation of the world.

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