The Father Says Today: July 16th, 2017

The Father says today, I am calling you into the company of AWAKENED SONS. I am the Dayspring arising in your heart. I say to you work while it is day for the night comes when no man can work. There is a time to work and a time to enter into rest. Resting from your work is that path to enter into the works of I AM that I AM. What I have for you is far more about BEING who you are in Me than doing what you can do in your own sense of limitation. Before you ever had an opportunity to work or not to work, to succeed or to fail, you were IN ME, even before the foundation of the world. That is who you really are. That is where My glory rests, not in the flesh man. The flesh man, your own efforts and strivings will never bring you to My glory. This is important because I said that I would meet your needs IN THE GLORY. This is all about accessing the glory that is closer to you than breathing, although the flesh-man and the flesh-mind has no clue and are incapable of finding Me in the circumstance. Let go of the flesh-man mind and receive My mind. The flesh mind is sleeping for sorrow but the Mind of Christ – the mind of My son on the inside of you is WIDE AWAKE formulating and constituting the complete fulfillment in your life of all that you have cried out for.
What I am doing in your life is about bringing you to liberty and bringing you to full wakefulness in the righteousness that the blood of Calvary has paid for. The path that leads to Calvary and beyond brings you out of the darkness of the flesh-man mind into the glorious liberty of the sons of God. You aren’t going there by yourself. There is in the earth an AWAKENED COMPANY OF SONS and today is the experience in your life of the overture of heaven to bring you out of darkness and into that company – the company of AWAKENED SONS. There is an outer darkness company where the world writhes in torment and gnashing of teeth. The outer darkness company only knows the ravening, devouring spirit of the world that is always hungry and never satisfied. The inner court company is fed by the Light that I am and energies of the glory that rests between the cherubim above the mercy seat. No judgments or judgmentalism can enter hear. The seat of glory is a mercy seat and not a judgment seat. Those who are caught up and preoccupied with the judgments, even My own judgements, must understand that there is a deeper place, a chamber of nothing but mercy. It is to the deep-calling-to-deep experience that I call you to this day.

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