The Father Says Today: July 16th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that I am your defense. You will not be decimated. You will not be diminished. You will not even be distracted from that which I am currently saying and doing and leading in your life. This isn’t the end of a thing it is the beginning of a thing – even THAT thing you have awaited for so long. I am fulfilling My will in your wilderness. The wilderness shall bloom. There shall be showers of blessings even in the dry place. I am with you oh, My beloved. I will never leave you. I will never forsake you. I will show My favor to you in such a manner that those with the elder-brother mentality will say THAT’S NOT FAIR! They will say “that’s not fair” and guess what? I will invite them to the party! Those that have excluded you and maligned you I will show mercy upon them and promote and bless you nonetheless.
So let go of all bitterness of spirit. Release all adverse opinion. Release it now My beloved – for your thoughts and the meditations of your heart are predictive in your life. What happens next is largely determined by what you would visit down on the heads of your detractors. In loving them you are loving yourself. In forgiving them you are forgiving yourself. Love them. Forgive them. On MY TERMS and not theirs. This is your hour. You can afford to be magnanimous for I am bringing the expanse of My glory over your life as a canopy of extreme favor. Be flexible. Be forgiving. Be a yielded vessel. Let all opinion and hardness of heart be removed and a soft heart of flesh made in its place. This, says the Father is the hour of your visitation. You will walk with Me robed in white, and you will know the day of My appearing says the Father, in this moment that you have cried out to Me in.

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