The Father Says Today: July 14th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today I am causing the light of My countenance to shine upon you today. Even as I am the light that lights upon every man that comes into the earth – know that I am shining upon you this day. My face, My countenance is upon you to change and to bring glory in you and through you in a substantive way. You will hold in your hands and make an accounting of My faithfulness this day. I am so much more than a religious god who only brings some ephemeral concept of good and blessing. That is how I have been represented by the councils of the uninformed but I say to you that this day you will sink your teeth into the fruits of My faithfulness and know Me as the Rock that bore you and the fountain that sustains you day by day.
So place your expectations upon Me today. Incline toward Me this day and not away from Me. Refuse to compartmentalize your attentiveness to My Spirit. Do not shut Me out beloved. In shutting Me out you do not change what I know about the secret places of your life. You only succeed in excluding yourself from the good thing that I would bring to deliver and cleanse you from those bondages that you can find no freedom from. My love for you is an everlasting Love. My love for you is unconditional. My understanding is deeper than any sin or shortcoming. Seek Me early. Seek Me in transparency. Be open and willing to accept and receive and cooperate with the change I am bringing about. You are not a creature of the night. I declare you are a son and a daughter of the day and I AM the Daystar arising in your life this day.

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