The Father Says Today: July 13th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today be an extension of My mercy out to others. Be My hand extended even to those you don’t agree with. Be My hand extended even to those who have maligned and misrepresented you. If you love only those who love you – there is no reflection of grace put forth. Even the heathen and those who shake their fist in heaven’s face love their own. The efficacy of love – My love, the GOD KIND OF LOVE is that you can look past the failings and fracture in others and love them unconditionally. There is no other agent of change that can shape the world greater than My love. You have said “they need God” but remember that I am love. So what you are saying is that they need exactly what I have called you to afford them – THROUGH YOUR OBEDIENCE to the mandate of love.
So go out in your day and let love be your expression. Let love be that which you portray to those known and unknown to you. It is not your doctrine or your “anointing” or your strident protestations that will change hearts beloved. It is My love that will cause change to come. Repentance to come. Cleansing to come. Love is who I am not just what I do. As you love others with an unconditional love you will find no room for accusation. Accusation only originates in the accuser. Extend My love for in extending My love you are extending who I am into the lives of the broken and those who are out of the way. In this you will be pleasing to Me and in this you will be constituted a faithful steward of all that Calvary has afforded your life.

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