The Father Says Today: July 12th, 2017

The Father says today, I am bringing an increase of Holy Ghost seeing and hearing in your life. I am accelerating into your life that you might see, hear and know the gifts, talents and anointings of those around you. That which has been long overdue in your life in terms revelatory gifting and blessing is coming upon you by impartation right now, says the Father. The contradiction that you have endured of knowing that which was revealed to you about your situation and the lives of others, yet ministering in obscurity is coming to an end. You are coming out of obscurity into the mainstream of usefulness and effectiveness in My kingdom. You will SEE, says the Father, and you will BE SEEN. My gifts on the inside of you are pushing back limitation and boundedness and bringing you before influencers and way makers. Your gift and your contribution will no longer be marginalized or made light of. Get ready, says the Father, for the favor of the open door to come quickly into manifestation, that you might serve Me in your full capacity in the calling I have called you to.
You will be able to handle this, says the Father, because you have chosen humility as your first response, not only to acceptance but also rejection. From this day forward rejection will not wound you and acceptance will not seduce you. I can trust you, says the Father, because you have anchored your sense of self-referral in who I am in your life and not any other thing. This is the character of what I am releasing into your life. This is the change that is coming. You are no longer a child, incapable of a mature response to things going on around you. The oil that came upon Aaron’s head and poured down upon his beard – this maturity is reaching even to you so that you can partner with those that you need to partner with – and not make any misstep that causes unity of My Spirit to be harmed in any way. This day, says the Father, I declare to you that you are part of the solution by My Spirit to the pollution that has hindered My people, and from this day forward the signet ring of My favor will open to you that which has been shut and bring you to the high places of the earth.

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