The Father Says Today: July 12th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today that there are many voices being heard in the earth. There is My voice and there are the voices of Babylon. My voice will always speak in the interests of the kingdom. The voices of Babylon will always speak in the interests of self. Watchmen what of the night? I am calling watchmen up in this hour to look to see, listen to hear and sense to feel after what I am currently saying and doing in the earth. The intercession of those that have been planted in hope is being answered. The mantles of those who served Me and departed are coming down to earth and many will experience My hand heavy upon them in a new way they have not known before. The voices of Babylon are being heard in the second watch of the night and you must exercise yourself to know the difference. The voices of Babylon always demands “what is in it for me?” There is coming a rising crescendo of the voices of Babylon that will deafen many and has deafened many to My still small voice that is speaking in the third watch of the night. Make it your determination that My voice is the only voice you will hear and the only voice you will be an instrument of speaking says the Father.
My voice in the third watch is coming forth and will be heard. My voice will be heard by those who have wrapped their face in their mantle. My voice will be heard by those who have turned away from the earthquake, the fire and wind knowing that what I have to say is not originating there. Listen for the still, small voice in the third watch of the night. I say to the watchmen of the earth – listen for the still small voice in the third watch of the night. Listen while I may yet be heard. There is coming a famine in the land – not a famine of My word but a famine of hearing My word. Many will not hear because they have been deafened by those voices that only speak in the interests of self. This is the voice that originated in the boughs of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It still resonates through everything that is of the earth, earthly. My voice is that voice that calls you up to who you are in Me, and who I sacrificed Heaven’s darling for, that you might come up higher and know that of all the nations of the earth, you are first and foremost My people called to speak My words and manifest My heart and My truth in the earth to a disobedient and a gainsaying people.

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  • Elaine says:

    Oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What an awesome confirming word from the Father!!!!!! Before i came to this site to read this word, I was just read Jeremiah chapter 28 and 29 about the false prophet Hananiah …I was blessed beyond measure of this word!!!!!!!!!

  • Hallelujah and Amen in Jesus holy name.. I receive your overflowing benefits and blessing.. to hear, to see, and to feel your heart O Lord, what the Spirit is saying, open my ears that I may be attentive to you voice, for it is your voice I will follow.. Thank you Father God for your presence and word that comes forth. Blessed assurance Jesus is mine..

  • jane kale says:

    may it be done as it is in heaven so that people will now the truth and the truth will set them free.

    ( FATHER GOD, HOLY SPIRIT, I pray let me be sensitive to hearing you in the third hour ,but LORD not only the third on every calling occasion that you need yo speak directly to me I ask Father God for this request with a grateful thankful heart i pray for this in the name of JESUS )
    Amen an AMEN

  • Wooow thank uJesus may ears be sensitive to hearing u nd seeing that which u r doing in our time nd season nd may ur name be glorify above every other name i believe nd i receive ur word