The Father Says Today: July 10th, 2017

The Father says today, I am drawing a line. There is a line of demarcation established in your life and the declaration against the enemy of your soul is THAT WILL BE ENOUGH of THAT! Enough of struggle. Enough of lack. Enough of languishing in the prison house of disappointment and downturn. I am renewing your hope this day. Be renewed says the Father – be renewed in your hopes and your expectations. I am sanctioning hope, new ambition, new aspirations for you in My promise says the Father. I am fueling your dreams and giving legs to your aspirations. That which was mere desire is becoming substance you will hold in your hand and take full advantage of. I am causing you to be uplifted by My Spirit. I am causing you this very day to be charged and energized by My favor and My goodness. The purchased possession of new hope, new life is yours so rejoice!
Go out and be My messenger to the hurting. Bring a message of hope.  What you accept by faith I am doing in your life – go out and proclaim to the captives and those in darkness. You are My messenger of hope and favor. You are not only a beneficiary of hope, but a messenger of hope, says the Father, to others who otherwise would be hopeless.  All that is adverse and of the adversary is being brought to its end and the acceptable year of the Lord is being established in your life. All that is adverse and of the adversary is being pulled down. I am harnessing you to the yoke easy and burden light. Of My goodness and glory you will taste and experience. You will be a testator, a testament in your life experience to all that I have promised and many will believe and hope and trust in Me because of what they see I have done in your life says the Father.

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  • Hallelujah.. Hallelujah.. Let my life song sing to you.. I receive your promised word in my life today, right now.. For my life is a testament of your goodness and favor.. For you have brought me here to be a messenger of your promises. Make whole in You, for You have ordain my footsteps to be more than a conqueror in You Lord..No more lack or confusion, for you O Lord are my Provider and my confidence is in You. Thank you Lord God, Amen

  • Carol May says:

    Thanks be to GOD the FATHER of HIS WONDERFUL GRACE, MERCIES & FAVOR every day of my life.
    Thank you sir for daily prophetic words.

  • I’m accepting the words of HOPE and I will not be troubled. downturn and lack of since the LORD is established in my LIFE today and everyday Amen

  • Amen, Father, thank you for renewing my hope. Yes, that is enough of struggle, of lack…downturn, and adverse circumstances are pulled down and The acceptable year of the Lord is established in my life today. I am lifted, I am full of hope, I am a messenger of hope. Amen!

  • Lynn Mimshach says:

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMEN Prophets Russ and Kitty. It doth NOW APPEAR, I receive it all Lord, today, now, at this hour, yes “THAT WILL BE ENOUGH of THAT!” CHECKMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, the die has been cast. He who sits in the heavens shall laugh ki ki ki kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiii, bah ha ha ha bah ha ha ha !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. When the enemy does his worst, my Father does His best. Lord, destroy all wickedness and all involved in it, leave no stone unturned, destroy right from the very roots, terminate, abort, cancel, render null and void, render non-existent in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.

  • Amen! This describes me to a tee what I needed today to be confident at last at last His promises are coming to pass! I’m believing Job 42 restoration to end my 42 months of stagnancy and frustration no more lack! My suffering has come to an end says the Lord! I receive it in Jesus name! Amen! Thank you for this word in due season! To God be the glory!

  • These message feed my very soul. I thank You father for the joy and promises you pour into my life. I receive this Word in Jesus name. Amen.

  • I have been uplifted and edified for nearly a year now by these prophetic messages, but never have I seen one the fit me as perfectly as today’s.

  • Robearh says:

    Glory, Glory, Hallelujah !! I Receive that Father God, Thank you. Blessings !