The Father Says Today: January 9th, 2016

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERAThe Father says today that I am bringing to the birth in your life. Your quiver of benefit and blessing will be. You will reach back in a time of need and find that you are never without My goodness within reach to meet every challenge. This is My heart toward you. My heart toward you is the heart of a Father and I will not loose My grip on your life. Though you traverse the precipice of loss and wonder if you will survive know this – you will not only survive but thrive and put all this struggle behind you.
So beloved let the word of My peace and and the assurance of My comfort be in your heart. There is no need to wonder if others will live up to their promises for I am living up to My promise therefore you will not be disappointed. My hand of covenant is upon you even as Isaac laid his hand upon Jacob. The benefit is yours. The birthright is your portion in Christ. The right of the first born of Calvary is finding it’s way to you and making a whole new avenue of opportunity and blessing available and that right quickly says the Father.

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