The Father Says Today: January 9th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I am widening the aperture of understanding between your mind and your spirit. My thoughts are just on the surface now says the Father you need not exert vain religious energies to hear Me. Just roll over on your back and float down the river of life into the full reservoir of My freshness and benefit and favor. Resist the temptation to carry the heavy yoke or to declare with the ascetics “the burden of the Lord, the burden of the Lord!” For My burden is easy and My yoke is light. My transformative grace is first peaceable and easy to be entreated. You are not a beast of burden you are an entitled child upon whom I have set My delight this day.
So make it your determination to allow My Spirit to establish absolute control over all of the functions, conditions and sensations within you. Reject fear. Reject the limiting thoughts of loss and hesitation and intimidation. These are not a part of My mentality therefore not part of yours. Did I not say “let this mind be in you that was also in Christ”? Adopt this day the Christ Mentality. Think as I think. Cognate as I cognate. Adopt the posture of one who is seated in Christ in heavenly places for that is the position and the posture I have afforded you. The throne room is your native environment and all shortcoming and sin and deprivation has no entrance there for you are My beloved!

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