The Father Says Today: January 8th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that change is possible in fact change is available. If you can see a thing it is subject to change on the occasion of your faith. Do not rationalize away your blessing. Do not allow death theology to suppress living faith in your life. The things that are seen are temporal – subject to change by the things that are unseen and eternal. I have placed within you as a resource My unchangeable, immutable nature to which all things, circumstances and situations in your life must undeniably bow. Your circumstances must bow to My goodness. The situations of your life must yield to My mercy and My love and My favor that exists within you not as a limited apportionment but as an unlimited resource.
My challenge to you this day is I dare you to drain My favor on your life. I challenge you to tax My power available to transform and refresh and renew your path. Defy with your faith the lack, poverty, sickness that would plague your life. Defy the enemy of your souls with My limitless, unbounded love, favor and power. I will confirm My word – My Logos in you with signs following. I will cause every breath to witness a miracle and every moment to be an unfolding of My astounding – My astonishing grace that is your resource to overcome and gain victory over every circumstance, situation and problem in your life.

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