The Father Says Today: January 7th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today all things are possible – ONLY BELIEVE. My unlimited potential is the only boundary that I have set for your life. The only adjectives that describe My plan for you are ABUNDANT, EXCEEDING, and MORE THAN YOU CAN ASK OR THINK. You need not be sick beloved. You need not be unhappy. You need not be poor or unsuccessful. You are not doomed to spend the days of your earth walk in misery without an exit strategy. The Lord of the whole earth lives within you. Grasp My hand and be directed by My mind. I will lift you out of mediocrity and place you among the Elect of the earth. Princes and kings will dandle your children on their knees. The strong of the earth will acknowledge My greatness that is being manifest on the inside of you.
Lawyers, statesmen, writers and adventurers will come forth out of you. Do you understand beloved there are NATIONS within you that I will bring forth from your natural and spiritual lineage? Yes, the mighty of the earth – mighty in My name and Mighty in My power will come forth from you says the Father. Purpose this day to take that incremental step to advancement in My kingdom – by becoming one who will DO what you see Me do and to think with the thoughts that I think. Thereby the figment of lack and limitation and want will be dissipated from your life and the fullness of joy and fullness of My Spirit and fullness of My provision will find you and fill you with My fullness that filleth ALL IN ALL!

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