The Father Says Today: January 6th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that man’s power is limited but when indwelt by My Spirit your strength cannot be tapped or drained or challenged. Beloved, ascend into My fullness today and allow Me to be the ALL-IN-ALL that I promised in My word. This is who I am and your full and complete redemption is in My strength. Man may attempt to prevail by his wits or his charm but My Spirit will prevail and cause you to overcome in every circumstance and situation. So do not be distracted by man’s opinion of himself by which he presumes to take unfair advantage of you. My primary nature is that of Lord and Savior and I am on task and targeting every enemy until you come into your highest heart’s desire and My greatest purpose.
Speak to your sense of My righteousness that slumbers within you: “WAKE UP”. Wake to righteousness and wake to entitlement by the shed blood of Calvary. Wake to unlimited resources, wealth and power that you might ascend above the plodding daily grind into a new existence of peace and authority to which I stir you this day. Break off the poverty mentality and reject the sickness, sorrow and death mentality and embrace My promise. Why would I promise in this life if there was no intention of making good? The kingdom suffers the violent says the Father let the violent refuse to take no for answer. Every promise in Me is yes and Amen and as you forcefully press past the tyranny of the sense ruled mind you will lay hold on what I have laid in store for you since the foundation of the earth.

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