The Father Says Today: January 3rd, 2016

dpw-150The Father says today that you are not inferior. You are not inferior and you are not inadequate. When you look into the mirror of your own soul and see want and lack and inability that is not the lens that I would have you peer through. Learn to look at yourself through the filter of My promise. There was blood shed in your behalf that you might mount up on eagle’s wings and see all the world and your life from the perspective of a victor and not a victim. Say of your soul “I am not a victim – I will not BE a victim…” Even so the gates and bars of oppression and vain self image will crumble and dissipate before your eyes and you will see for the first time how I see you and who I have called you to be.
You are not inferior. You are not ugly. You are not “less-than”. You are more than a conqueror because of who I AM on the inside of you. Nations and kings will bow before you. Angels shall be judged before you. The gavel is in your hand to determine and to hand down. You are one in whom rule has been placed and I call you KING and I call you PRIEST. Come into agreement with what I have said and what I am saying. Stop disparaging and putting yourself down. See yourself as that one for whom I gave My only begotten son. I call you beloved. You are loved. Begin to love yourself again for the first time. Love yourself for if you do not love yourself you will never understand My love for you neither will you be able to properly love others.

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