The Father Says Today: January 31st, 2018

The Father says today, My eyes are upon you at all times. I am not ignoring you and I have not turned My face from you. On the cross I turned My face from My only son, and that redemptive act ASSURES YOU that I will never turn My face from you – no matter what. My ear is open to your cry. I am near to you and your broken heart speaks to Me and moves Me to extend grace in fullness in your life. It doesn’t matter what transpires in your life or how many afflictions you face, I will deliver you out of them all. I will not deliver you from some of life’s afflictions. I will deliver you from ALL and ALL means ALL. Refuse to allow the congregation of the uninformed or the illegitimate authorities of religion to suggest otherwise, for that is an obscenity against My faithfulness.
Cast your burden on Me for I am sustaining you. Choose to be careful for nothing. Say of your soul “I will never be moved…” When I want to move you, it will be in blessing and promotion, not oppression or affliction. Never means never. You will never be moved by the enemy. Can you take NEVER for an answer? When worries mount up in your thinking just replace them with the multitude of My comforts. I am the Comforter and I am the Helper. That is who I am, that is what I do. I have seen your dependence on Me. I am your healing RIGHT NOW. I will comfort you as a mother comforts a suckling child. I will feed you on My faithfulness. Put all thoughts of abandonment out of your mind for I have and will continue to turn your mourning into joy and give you the beauty that only I can give from the ashes of bitter circumstance, says God.

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Other Comments

  • This is the God using his vessel in our time.I enjoy hearing God through your DAILY prophetic encouragement.Shalom

  • Wonderful reading, touches every bone in me, may the daily reading bless others as it does to me. God is awesome. I pray for God’s favor, blessings on you, your family and the Father’s Ministry !

  • Oh How Sweet and Precious are thou Words, Spoken unto me Abba Daddy. Thank you
    for your Awesome love and protection for me, for tho are Speaking into my Right Now.
    I honor thee. I love, love, love thee. Yes, when you want to Move me, it Shall be in Blessings,
    Promotion, and Favor, Favor, Favor. Hallelujah, Thank you for satisfying my soul. Hallelujah.

  • I declare from today that I will never be moved by the enemy because I am just like the tree planted by the waters. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.