The Father Says Today January 31, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today adopt an attitude of faith. Whatever you do in an attitude of faith will result in sufficient strength and ability to deal with any problem. Do not allow your mind to become a wasteland of toxic suggestions and negativity that the enemy lobs into your life from outside circumstances. Guard your mind and guard your heart. I created your heart to release an issue of life to shape and mold your day and bring heaven to earth in your situation. If you don’t like what is in your life – change what is in your heart. Whatsoever things are pure, perfect, lovely and of good report – think on these things. Hold everything else at arm’s length. You are where your attention takes you. Refuse to put your attention on things that bring you down in your heart and emotions.
Other’s may say to you “don’t be naïve!” or “use some common sense” but I say unto you common sense can only produce the commonplace. Are you expecting uncommon favor and uncommon blessing? Then begin now to take the reins of your heart and mind and no longer allow the playing out of mental tragedy and heartbreak, worry and problems as the narrative of your life. The experiences of today flow from the narrative of the heart from yesterday. Change now. Purpose to change. The power of your will to adjust your own thinking and the meditation of your heart is one of the most powerful abilities I have accorded you as My child. Look up. Be encouraged. Refuse to doubt and refuse to worry. I am with you. Things are about to get better!

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