The Father Says Today: January 2nd, 2016

dpw-150The Father says today that confidence is a gift that I give to you. It is not a sin to be confident. I created you as a creature of trust and not to be a groveling worm trembling in fear. Confidence and humility in your life do not contradict one another. Confidence and humility can reside in the same heart and can reside in your heart today. Be confident says the Father. I said in My word by the sweet psalmist of Israel that I would be the confidence of all the earth! How much more so will I be this day YOUR CONFIDENCE! You are the apple of My eye! You are that one for whom Calvary’s blood was shed! Trust this day in who I made you to be. Trust in the gifts, skills, anointing and abilities that I have invested in you that you might go forth this day and prosper.
I am your confidence says the Father I will not allow your foot to be taken in a snare or your path to be impeded in any way. When you encounter obstacles – mount up in My strength and move forward. I do not take no for an answer therefore you will not take no for an answer. Reach out and lay hold upon the earth and the world around you and wring out of life that which I have promised you. When delay comes or hindrances linger – do not assume it is My doing! Resist the devil and he will flee. Identify the adversity and set yourself against it and the walls will come down and doors will open. Persevere until success comes. Success is your natural state. Failure is an alien environment for which you were not created says your God!

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