The Father Says Today: January 29th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that this is the hour of the performance of what I have promised you. I am a now God and now is the envelope of time within which I operate. I am performing My work and My promise in your life today. Now is that hour you have longed for. Now I make all things new. Now My hand is moving and the enemy is going and new life is springing up to redefine your whole existence. You have asked for this and believed for this and looked for this so go ahead and laugh. Go ahead and rejoice. I am not holding out on you. I am moving toward you in blessing and benefit and goodness. My favor is about to bowl you over and lift you up to a new place of entitlement and rest.
When you believe My word and believe who I am you are established already says the Father. Prosperity and benefit are your portion. You can take it to the bank that I am who I say I am and I am doing what I said I would do. There is no other way of looking at things when you choose to accept the gospel truth. Look into My word and see what I have made available to you. Open your mouth and declare it and decree it. Refuse to whisper but rather shout and that most loudly. I am thundering from on high so YOU thunder from on high. Cause your voice to be heard for I am causing My voice to be heard. As you boldly declare those things and they will come to pass and become the validation of your testimony in the earth of My goodness says the Father.

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