The Father Says Today: January 28th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that I am breaking open some new experiences for you. Now is the time in this season of transition to ask anew regarding those long-standing features of difficulty and struggle in your life. Change is at hand. You are standing in the threshold of change and shift in your life. Open your mouth wide and let your voice be heard before My throne. Make declaration and I will endorse the cry of your heart and return that petition to you as answered prayer in an immediate manifestation. You see says the Father that declaration is part of the process. If you declare and decree a thing it will come to pass. As you come into agreement with Me there will be strong support and immediate shift and adjustment in your life toward the good and the beneficial.
Be assured that those things you are asking for are already in My heart. Be settled in your thinking that you don’t have to talk Me into or convince Me to be good to you. You are about to see a demonstration of just how much I love you in the very near future. Begin to believe with renewed determination and joy. Open your mouth and pray. Open your mouth and prophesy even over other people of My grace and My goodness. This is a gift that has been locked up on the inside of you that I am breaking open now to bless you and to bless those around you. Let your thoughts be thoughts and words of encouragement, edification and exhortation. Take those things I have shown you in secret and declare them openly and watch My goodness take shape and manifest in your life and those things that you are bold to speak and testify of regarding Me. This is your heritage and you will not be made ashamed or disappointed in any way.

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