The Father Says Today: January 1st, 2018

The Father says today, this is your season of enrichment. I am fortifying you and strengthening you for the campaign of total victory unfolding before you even now. Step forward with feet shod with My good news. The outcome is assured. Your part is to walk out what I have already provided for, and give evidence of My goodness in the land of the living. There are triumphs coming to you right now for the express purpose of having crowns to cast at My feet. Worship and warfare involve conquest and the spoiling of the enemy. You will lay hold of the spoil of the enemy and bring captives forth to new liberty and victory by your word and by your testimony.
Let the shout of triumph be in your mouth this day, says the Father. All things are new – the old has passed away, no more to impede or hinder you in any manner. Yesterday, last week, last month, last year is rolled up as a scroll and delivered into the archives of heaven. Your focus is to be on your now, and what I am bringing about of My graciousness and My favor in your life and in your situation. Reach out by your obedience and lay hold of all that I have accorded you. The bounty of heaven is at your disposal. The finished work of Calvary is working in your behalf. My “yes” and “amen” are at your side – willing you to move forward in faith knowing as you yield fully to My purpose, My plan, and My Spirit, that everything you say and do will be as effective as if I said it or did it.

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  • Anastasia says:

    Such an encouraging Word from the Lord, I can almost feel His presence who is near by breathing His life into our Spirit to will and do a good work to please Him and to give Him the Glory for His purposes.

  • Catherine Lee says:

    Hello Russell and Kitty, I pray Father ABBA blesses you both and your ministry with such abundance from the vaults of Heaven that there will not be enough room to recieve ALL the goodness Father desires to pour out into your bosoms, storehouses, and barns. Thank you for such LOVE and encouragement in speaking LIFE into fellow brothers and sisters in every season. Father I ask in Jesus name may you in accordance with YOUR grace, mercy and will send divine peace, joy, health, wealth, secrets, mysteries, GREAT grace and mercies, into the lives of Russell and Kitty and ALL their family members. Father God may you reward them in this NEW Year with overflowing giftings and blessings which will exceed their greatest expectations, as only YOU know how Father God. In Jesus Holy name, Amen! Happy NEW Year! I will not forget you and your words of kindness, and prophetic encouragement to US all in this NEW season!! God Bless!

  • Thank You for beibg a part of my life in 2017 thru the Prophetic. Have a blessed accelerated fruitful 2018 reaching for the limitless sky! ❤