The Father Says Today: January 1st, 2017

The Father says today this is a year that I am establishing liberty, allowance and concession in your life. This is a level of recognizance and responsibility you haven’t walked in before. It has the potential for great blessing and advancement. It also carries with it the inherent potential for being responsible – personally responsible for every choice you make and every path you take. This is what EDENIC authority looks like. The right to eat from the tree of life that I AM and the right as well to listen to the subtlety of the serpent. This is not fruit that you want to bear fruit in your life. Listen to My voice and abide in the vine that I am. Live out of your sheep nature and not the goat nature of the man of sin and you will not be misdirected.
Resolve this day says the Father step out of all victimhood, all sense of deprivation, demand or self-referral. Refuse to feel sorry for yourself. Refuse to level blame every again. Every instance of blame leveling is another chain on your ankle to keep you from what I have for you. Set your affection on things above. Let yourself – your entire being attenuate in your mind, your emotional even all your heart upon the throne. You are where your attention takes you. No more excuses. No more looking back at the things of the past as a justification for fracture in your present or hopelessness looking forward. No more looking back. Let go. Turn away from the past. Choose the THRONE LIFE that is your portion. You cannot turn to Me and to your past at the same time. Put your hand to the plow of THIS potential I am activating in your now and DON’T LOOK BACK. No man putting his hand to the plow of My promise and looking back is fit for the kingdom. This day I free you up to prepare to pursue. Pursue your heart, your dreams, desires. The ache in your heart is the prophecy over your life. All you need is the permission slip and I grant you that latitude this day.

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