The Father Says Today: January 1st, 2016

dpw-150The Father says today start this year on track with your trust in Me. Trust what I am doing in your life and trust who I made you to be. I formed and fashioned you according to a unique and resplendent design. Before the foundation of the world I made you to be holy and without blame before Me in love. There was no plan of failure. There was no expectation of destruction or brokenness or devastation. In your mother’s womb I knew you. In your unformed substance I communed with you and brought you forth into the earth at a time and an hour appointed. You are not a mistake. You are not a happenstance of biology. You are so much more than the sum of your parts and members.
So trust not only in Me but in who I made you to be. Be washed of all sin. Receive forgiveness. Accept My Lordship not only on general principles but as your daily bread. Receive and partake of salvation as a daily provision laid out to bring you through every 24 hour period as a recipient of My grace and loving-kindness. You are My handiwork. Trust the work of My hands. Trust who I made you to be. Trust the design with which I have designed you for from that perspective your confidence in your own person is confidence in Me. This year is not about sorrow or apocalypse or the end of all things. You are fearfully and wonderfully made to walk out a plan that is steeped in goodness and blessing. Drink of that cup of promise and know that I will see you through every moment and every second of the days ahead for I have set My love upon you and My love never fails.

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  • Mariana says:

    Beautiful and exquitsite ……I receive this in the name of the Prince of Peace.

  • Karen prater says:

    Thank You ! There is no better way to start my day then in Gods Word and receiving His Principles and Promises in my life ! Praise The Lord for His Mercy and Grace ! Praise The Lord for His New Beginnings !