The Father Says Today: January 17th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today who told you that you were naked? The lie of the enemy is to strip you of your confidence and cause you to see yourself in his eyes. I say to you that death, hell and the grave have no hold on you. I say to you says the Father that you were fearfully and wonderfully made. Before you were in your mother’s womb I knew you. Before your unformed substance was conceived in your mother’s belly I chose you and ordained you that you would be holy and without blame before Me in love. This is who you are. This is the benchmark the angels are working from in your behalf. You are not disposable. You are not rejected. You are accepted in the beloved. You have placement and position in My kingdom.
So come up out of terror and fear. Know that I am working with you both to will and to do My good pleasure. There is no weapon formed against you that will prosper. Are you concerned about sin and failure? Know that I have dealt with every aspect of your life, your past and your character in the shed blood of Calvary. In the blood that was shed upon the tree you will find the favor that I have laid up in store for your life. Come willingly. Come in yieldedness. Release yourself to My sovereignty and know it as the one safe place where fear is going and strength is coming and your confidence is not in vain says the Father.

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