The Father Says Today: January 16th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that finality is in My hands. The enemy wants you to think that you are done for and the end is near. Nothing is that final. I am the Alpha and the Omega – the Beginning and the End. Trust in Me and look to the outcome I am bringing about. Do not give heed to lying circumstances. Choose to be careful for nothing. Understand that My hand is at work and seek to discern and cooperate with what I am doing. Stop trying to manipulate the situation. You aren’t going to be able to force your way into victory. There is no need to beg or cajole or attempt to convince those who will not be convinced. Put your trust in Me. Listen to My voice. Maintain your obedience.
Look and live says the Father. Look to what I have done for you and what I am doing for you. Refuse to lash yourself with self-recrimination. Hindsight is the refuge of a fearful heart. Rise up and look forward. Look forward in faith and the mists of doubt and uncertainty will be burned away by your faith. See that I have given you the victory. Choose to move forward in humility and confidence, not bluster and arrogance. See who I have made you to be and see what I am doing and not the enemy. You don’t need to know their next move. All you need to do is “look and live”. Look at those things that are pure, perfect, of good report. You are where your attention takes you. Set your attention upon the throne and see that you are seated with Me in heavenly places. You will survive and thrive and see My salvation.

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