The Father Says Today: January 14th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that all your paths are peace this day. You will go out with joy and be led forth with peace. Make time for My peace. As Jesus sat down on the well in Samaria – sit down and draw from the well of My peace this day. Do not allow the urgent and insistent demands of life to exclude you from this time of intimate refreshing that I am bringing to you now. When you make time for this quiet hour you are making time for Me, for I linger and I speak in the quiet placed by My still small voice. So take a breath and find the stillness. As the prophet – wrap your face in the mantle of My presence and command your ears to hear and your eyes to see for I am moving in visitation in your life this day.
I am washing and healing the wounds of broken relationships this day. Infections brought from harsh words and cold speeches are being cleansed. I am renewing your simplicity and your innocence. I am your protection and your preservation. Softness of heart is being found once again on the inside of you. The abscesses of disappointment are being filled in with My goodness for I am the friend that sticks closer than a brother. I am yours and you are Mine beloved and I have gifts coming for you that will sweetly surprise and refresh you. You have some suddenlies and some surprises ahead for you as I call you to a fresh cooperation with Me as I manifest the fresh fragrance of hope for a new unexpected future.

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