The Father Says Today: January 13th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that I am the Good Shepherd in your life. I am shepherding you and I am gathering your scattered. Let the answer of peace be in your mouth and reach out to those broken relationships that have languished in hurts and pains from the past. Expect healing and restoration. Make the phone call. Wait for the positive response. It isn’t going to be like it was in the past says the Father for I am making even those who set themselves against you to be at peace with you in this hour. Receive My compassion on your life and know that I will restore broken fellowship and cause the fracture of the past to be mended and healed.
I am flowing by My river in your life to bring renewal and cleansing. The enemy in times past salted your land and filled up the wells that I placed in your life. That is about to change. You will be a well watered land that will bear fruit and be blessed. The roots of bitterness that the enemy has attempted to sow will be cast out and fruitful vines will once again produce the vintage of My joy in your life. This is your portion says the Father and this is the peace that I leave with you this hour to renew and bless and benefit you in every way imaginable.

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