The Father Says Today: January 13th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today do not let what you cannot do get in the way of what you can do. I have called you to be a DOER and in the DOING is the launching you have dreamed of. My kingdom does not come with observation – you must act. Things are the way they are because of what you are doing, if you want something different you must DO something different. My mind and My heart and My courage are available to empower you and direct you toward the geography of change that will give you a whole new map to chart your life by.
You are not bound by the limits of man or those circumstances, situations or people that do not reflect what I see when I look at you. I am not limited therefore you are not limited but you MUST act says the Father. Say within your heart NO MORE LIMITATION, NO MORE LACK, NO MORE DENIAL. I am breaking this day the illegitimate authorities who have spoken illegitimate words over you that DID NOT originate in My truth. Settle it now that your cry will be THAT WILL BE ENOUGH OF THAT! No more says the Father for I am with you and this moment I am holding the door of escape open to you that you may WALK out to new freedom in My Spirit.

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