The Father Says Today: January 12th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today that patience brings forth the fruit that faith has planted in due season. Be patient says the Father and give yourself some time. Allow the turn of the year to pass as I work a work in your circumstance and situation to bring a turn-around. This is turn around time for you says the Father. The outlook is not bleak and things are about to change. Go ahead and thank Me. Go ahead and be expectant for in nothing shall you be ashamed when you look to Me for the just-in-time solutions you are crying out for.
The Father says that the conditions you are dealing with have a brighter prognosis than it may seem. Trust in the course of action that I am guiding and leading you in. The timing will be specific and impeccable. You will see that there was no cause for alarm. I am showing up in your life that I might show out and make up the difference where others have failed you. My compassion is raining down upon you to water your dry places. I am filling up those neglected areas with My goodness and My promise. This is a new day says the Father and there is no need to look back for any reason.

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