The Father Says Today: January 12th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that I have called you to be a SEER, a SAYER and a SOWER. I said in My word “write the vision and make it plain…” You are a SEER says the Father. Be bold enough and hopeful enough to actually substantiate your heart’s desires by committing pen to paper. Do not allow the circumstance or other people to dominate the canvas of your expectations – for I have encoded within your desires and longings and hopes the DNA of the very things that I determined before the foundation of the earth to come to pass in your life.
SEE says the Father. Command your eyes to see and your mouth to SAY what you see. Do not lend your voice or your lips to the problems, the impediments, the doubts or fears that loom before you. Refuse to substantiate by your words the threat of the enemy to deny you highest heart’s desire or greatest dream fulfilled. Open your mouth says the Father for I create the fruit of your lips and you are not exempted from that reality. Say and speak and articulate says the Father and the weight of your confession will establish the high watermark of My promise in your life and you will not be denied.
Sow into your future says the Father. Find that treasury superintended by those realizing a larger vision that you are experiencing and make yourself a blessing in their life and their work. Sow liberally. Sow sacrificial. Sow promptly. Your response time to Me will be a direct measurement of My response time to you. Things are the way they are because of what you are doing – this is the path of forward momentum and change. Commit yourself says the Father and you will see the change you have cried out for.

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