The Father Says Today: January 11th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today choose your outcome! Choose your outcome for your will – your power of choice is much more powerful than you will ever know. Determine today says the Father to establish the resilience of choice that is anchored in who I AM in your life and not in the pressure of circumstances. Go ahead and declare who I am to you. Declare who I am to your enemy. Declare to yourself and to your enemy what you know I am doing in your life. I am putting you over says the Father. I am causing you to be an overcomer. I am magnifying Myself in you because I created you to be a mirror of My character and My mercy.
So magnify Me in Me by magnifying who I am on the inside of you. Stop magnifying the problem. The problems that seemingly loom over you do so because you are looking at them through the convex lens of the lies of the enemy. Stop it! How is that good for you? How is that working for you? Are you being reduced by what you are magnifying or are you being upgraded to a new status of entitlement in My kingdom? Use your will this day to magnify Me. I know you don’t always feel like it – do it anyway. Magnify Me and thank Me for who I am with INTENTIONALITY and FAITH. Tell your feelings and your emotions you will get to them later. By the time you come to grips with My goodness poured out in your life your emotions won’t have anything to pout over. Are you ready for this?

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