The Father Says Today: January 10th, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today what are you saying to your mountain? Your ability to communicate is not limited by natural means. When I was in the earth I spoke to storms and winds and trees and they obeyed Me. The Holy Spirit that I have imparted to you likewise gives you authority over every created thing. Open your mouth and command the storm, the situation and the circumstance and they will obey you. Your words are infused with the creative Spirit of My breath – it isn’t possible not to see the expected outcome.
Speak to your mountain. Tell the mountain in your path, the storm in your life, the challenge in your way to yield to My words. Your words are the arbiters and implementors of My kingdom. As My words increase on your lips so My government increases in the earth – and in your life’s affairs. This is what it means to move from authority to authorization. The doors, gates and bars are standing open to your breakthrough says the Father – unleash the floodgates of your faith. My words in your lips will not fail. My words that go forth out of My mouth are mighty to save and mighty to deliver and mighty to come into manifestation in your life Oh My beloved!

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