The Father Says Today: February 4th, 2017

The Father says today, that My Spirit is your covering. There are those that have called you to sit under their shadow, but this is a vain defense and a false security. Let your trust be in who I am in your life and not in any self-appointed authority. Refuse to sell yourself into the ranks of godless men who have no power to save. Refuse to set your light under a bushel basket – the certain dry measure of man’s making. In the day of battle and in the hour of jeopardy they will be elsewhere, but I will be right by your side to deliver, strengthen and set you in a secure place, safe from all harm. I am the Lord your God and I am a jealous God. Let Me be your trust beloved, and not any lesser power. Learn as the prophet Jonah finally learned, that I am your salvation and there is no other. Your confidence in Me is the only confidence, that once anchored behind the veil, will never be disappointed.
Rise, says the Father, and shake yourself free of the enchantments of charismatic leaders who promise what they cannot deliver. I am your rock and your fortress. I am the pillar of strength in the midst of the temple – which temple you are. My voice is the voice speaking from the throne in the midst of your own heart – that causes the lentils of the door to smoke and the angels to fall on their face and cry holy, holy, holy. I am the God that thunders and comes down, causing the hills to melt and the trees of the forest to burn away – that I might draw you out of many waters and save you from every trouble and every trial you are facing. Look to your God, oh My beloved, and yield to Me your utmost fidelity and trust, for I have saved you, I am saving you and I will save you from every pitfall and every trial and every challenge, by My hand, and not the hand of another.

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