The Father Says Today: February 3rd, 2017

The Father says today, contend for the faith. Contend for the faith that was delivered to you by My hand before the foundation of the world. I am the light that lights every man that comes into the world, and that light was activated to full luminosity on the day you accepted Me as Lord and Savior. That is the light of the true reason that proceeds from My throne. The reason of man is darkened and only leads into darkness. The reason of heaven illuminates your path and leads you to the pondering stone of truth and verity based on kingdom values, and not the flawed thinking of man. Say to your mind therefore “think the thoughts of God”. Say to your soul “put on the mind of Christ”.  As you think My thoughts and put on My mind you will notice that the trajectory of life will begin to change.
As you think My thoughts, the measure of faith I gave you before you were even born will begin to produce highest heart’s desire and greatest dream fulfilled in your circumstance. As My beloved child, it is absolutely unacceptable and abnormal to live a “less than” existence. You are a child of the King! You are an entitled one! No more thinking with a darkened mind the dark thoughts of failure, gloom and despair. My mind is elevating you and elevating life’s experiences until all you see around you is qualified by that great promise “as in heaven – so on earth”. This is your portion. This is what My Spirit is generating on the inside of you and establishing all around you says the Father.

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