The Father Says Today: February 28th, 2017

The Father says today, that the life that you seek and desire emits only from Me. There is no life or fulfillment to be found in any other pursuit outside of relationship and intimacy with Me. Therefore, My word is “if any man would see life and know good days, let Him come to Me”. In coming to Me, you will not be turned out. There is no disqualification in your character or person that would cause Me to turn you aside or send you away. The cross and the death on the cross takes care of it all. The power of the resurrection is fully capable of transforming you from the flawed image of a fatherless son, into the perfect image of the Daystar that I am, arising in your heart. Where is guilt? It is excluded. Where is condemnation? It has no place. Where is shame? Washed away in the cleansing flow. You are accepted. You are beloved. Your place at My table is assured.
Come then. Come expecting. Come in cooperation and yielding. Know that yes, there is much that will be reformed and reshaped on the potter’s wheel that turns at My feet. You can trust in the end vessel that I am forming you to be. Stay pliable. Soak yourself in the water of My word and refuse to pull back when My hand sinks deeply into the clay of your own finite, imperfect substance. I am forming you. I am extracting every impediment and all the debris of sin and sinful choices that have marred your life. You will come out pristine, a vessel fit for My use. Work with Me and not against Me. Tender the full commitment of your heart at the pay window of faith. Do you trust Me? Then let Me take it from here. Allow Me to change what no man can change on the inside of you. Let healing come. Let transformation be experienced as you say “yes” to Me, knowing that I am a good Father who will never harm or injure you in any way.

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