The Father Says Today: February 27th, 2016

Daily Prophetic Word 2016The Father says today My deeps are calling to your deeps this day. As you call out to Me so I will hear and as I hear I will act and you will see My glory. I will hide you in the cleft of the rock and pass by – I will show you not My hinder parts as Moses of old but I will show you My face – My face you will behold and you will be changed. I am changing and I am transforming you this day for I am your King and your God. You will trample your foes because of the blinding light of My glory in your life. You will praise My name forever and you will make your boast in Me for I will never fail you and I will never forsake you. There is no failure in Me says the Father therefore there is no failure in you. Reject the theology of failure says the Father. Reject the culture of scorn and mockery that surges around you foaming out its shame. I will cause you to stand up and know Me as I am and be forever changed.
I am working in you this day. I am working in you and working out through you to display My image and My likeness. When others look into your eyes they will see My love and My Spirit looking back at them. I will reveal in you the bride I have called you to be. As you call out to Me this day I will give you more. I will give you more of My substance and My strength that you might run beside Me and cover the earth in judgment and verity as I sing My War Song over the nations of the earth. Men will tremble and kiss the Son. They will come trembling and know that I have loved you and that I have paid the dread price of Calvary that they might fully and finally go free from sin and death and mortal limitation says your Father.

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