The Father Says Today: February 24th, 2017

The Father says today, I am blasting the walls of spiritual captivity to release My people. East shall meet west, says the Father, and the west shall meet the east. There shall be rejoicing, favor and authority among My people beyond what they have experienced in times past. I will bring the powers of the political and cultural enmity of man to heel at the foot of the cross. This is that which proceeds from My throne that you are bidden to participate in and soak in. I would that you rise up and soak yourself afresh and anew in My influence and resolve again to live life according to the dictates of the culture of the kingdom and not the culture of man.
Nothing shall be impossible for those who choose to live from the inside out. Those who realize that My kingdom originates in them, and not in the paltry, pathetic influence of man’s kingdom. This is the bride that is arising. This is the people that will be known, not as those from the west or those from the east, but as those from My throne. No border will confine My purpose. No boundary will restrain My people. You will be translated here and you will arrive there and even the authorities will say “how did you get here and who sent you?” Your answer will be this, “I am that I am has sent Me” and that will be only the beginning of that which I will do in you and through you in that day, and I say to you that THAT day is THIS day that you are living NOW.

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