The Father Says Today: February 23rd, 2017

The Father says today, I give you power to get wealth. Riches in My kingdom do not represent resources you store up or hoard for a future need. Riches in My kingdom spring from the word of faith I have put in your mouth to meet your need on the spot and on demand. The sore evil on the earth results from riches held back by the owners thereof to their own hurt. I have and I will continue to cause money, wealth, favor and blessing to flow in your life by My Spirit. There is no need to fill your mind with concerns for the natural, because as you seek the kingdom all that will be added. As you seek Me passionately and diligently, I will see to it at the end of every day your need will be satisfied and at every sunrise your need will be spontaneously met by My provisioning hand.
Refuse to accept the theology of impoverishment. Those who have gilded the experience of lack and poverty as though it were some virtue they assume I espouse are wrong. They have no clue as to what life and life more abundantly are all about. They preach the virtues of poverty but never volunteer to experience it themselves. Reject all such anemic, distempered teaching of men, whose minds are not enlightened to My truth. I became poor that you might be made rich. I became impoverished, not as an example for you to follow – but as a suffering savior lifting you out of need consciousness into God consciousness. Receive the impartation of My mind, says the Father. Accept My limitlessness in place of lack and hopelessness, for I am the God who provides for you every need.

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