The Father Says Today: February 22nd, 2017

The Father says today, step into new liberty in Me right now. Not the liberty that leads to bondage, but the liberty that leads to life. I am working with you and in you to establish authority that puts your own lesser character in check and elevates to ascendancy who I am on the inside of you. There is now a fresh opportunity opening up to you in the area of My favor. I favor you, says the Father. I bestow favor upon you. This is not a casual thing. This is not something you will be able to access through passivity or an attitude of banality. Press in, says the Father. Refuse to take no for an answer. Give up the need to be cool, look chic, appear to be “with it”. Be willing to lose the respect of those who have lost their hunger for intimacy with Me. Come out to Me, outside the camp and see what others are missing who prefer the company of the tepid and halfhearted.
Space is opening up to you now to enter into a new place in Me. Step up. Come up higher. Receive the anointing held in reserve for all of those whose feet are like hind’s feet, leaping on the rocky crags of the high places in Me. No longer fearing failure. No longer expecting to fall. No longer suffering from spiritual vertigo or choosing to stick your head in the sand and just veg out on carnal activities. Step into your becoming. Step into who I have called you to be. Surrender all appetites that no longer, and in fact never did serve My purposes in your life. I am drawing you into an unrestricted place of allowance and concession whose end result will be a deeper immersion in My presence than you have ever experienced before.

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