The Father Says Today: February 21st, 2017

The Father says today, widen your vision. Increase the scope of who I am for you and who you are in Me. You have been seeking an upgrade in your relationship to Me and it is available. Though you would live for 100’s of years, there will always be a deep calling to deep far beyond anything you have experienced in Me. This is My invitation to you. Come up higher. Go further. Go deeper. Go deeper in authenticity of intimate relationship with Me. Not only to go on your own initiative by yourself but to take others with you. You don’t have to do this alone, says the Father. There are those around you that are hungering and thirsting for more. Come together. Join in this new discovery together, that I might make of you a community of exploration in the greater things that I went to the cross to make available to you.
Many go out looking for a new life and new opportunity, but find nothing. Is it possible for you to be dissuaded from the deep calls to deep territory I am calling you to? Can you be dissuaded as Esau was dissuaded – to give up your birthright? It is your birthright as My beloved child to come to the high places. Step up, says the Father, for this day I grant to you fresh permission to come up into a higher place in My presence than you have been before. Have you figured out that having a high profile in the kingdom or popularity in the ranks of religion is an empty achievement? What you are longing for is only found in who you become in Me. Everything else is just details. Provision, success, victory, achievement – you can have all of that, but true fulfillment will only be found in the throne experience. It is that experience that I bid you to move toward this day.

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