The Father Says Today: February 14th, 2017

The Father says today, that I will do nothing without revealing the same to My people and My prophets. Ask of Me concerning the things to come and I will tell you. I will never leave you in the dark. I will never choose to leave you uninformed or unaware about what is coming. It is not necessary for you to be in the dark about what is on the morrow. I will reveal to you and disclose to you intimate details regarding the days to come. I will speak to you and inform you and see to it that you are where you need to be, doing what you need to be doing to get by in life and find blessing and favor in all that you do.  My people perish for a lack of knowledge. I am the source of that knowledge and as you seek My face and listen for My still small voice, nothing shall take you by surprise. I will not allow the enemy to ambush you or assault you – I am your defense, and in defending you I will expose the enemy and cause all his strategies to come to failure.
So let your mouth pray, says the Father. Open your mouth wide and I will fill it. Then spend time before Me in quietness and in petition. Let your heart cry out to Me regarding every need and then begin to listen, always stop to listen, says the Father. You will hear My still small voice. You will hear and come to know – you will hear and be informed of tomorrow’s task and meet it with faith in your heart and hope in your heart for a positive outcome.  Remember to pray, not just the problem but pray the end result. I promise you an outcome, but I retain My sovereignty as to HOW I bring about that which you have asked. Many prayers go unanswered because you are putting your faith on just how you think I should act in your defense. That prayer will never be answered. Pray the end result and leave the details to Me. Leave HOW I deliver and save up to Me and you will never be disappointed.

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