The Father Says Today: December 9th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, allow My gentleness to be your portion this day. Gentleness is the fruit of My Spirit in your life. Being loud, gruff and unkind may look like strength, but it is really weakness. What others have called boldness is not boldness at all. Those who prattle, pronounce and stick out their chests are not the measurement of maturity in My kingdom. In quietness and confidence is your rest. Come into the place of rest and composure in Me. Look out at the upheaval and difficulty around you, and know the composure of one who understands that your heavenly Father is at work and all is well. All is well, says the Father. All is well and you are at peace as you keep your mind stayed on Me.
Refuse to be distracted, says the Father. As a man thinks, so is he. Refuse to lend your mental capacities to the narrative that man works so hard to capture and contain. Break out of the mesmerism of the narrative of man, and begin to see with the eyes of My Spirit. Let your mouth pray. Open your mouth in prayer and supplications with strong crying. I am sinless, spotless and at the right hand of the Father, yet I am ever interceding. If I have to pray, you have to pray. Prayerlessness is not an option. Those who refuse to pray or fail to pray are standing on the wrong side of history. Fortune favors the person who bows the knee. I will open the treasuries of heaven to that one who seeks My face before he seeks the face of man.

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