The Father Says Today: December 8th, 2016

dpwThe Father says today, can you take NOW for an answer? Today is the day of salvation! Today is your day of salvation even as I said in My word. Stop looking over into the pastures of tomorrow as though that is where your promise lies. Your victory is a now proposition. Today we will confront the naysayers and step into all that I have promised you. Put down your binoculars. The hour of your visitation is now. You are not “waiting for”, you are standing in. Open your eyes. Command your eyes to see. Say to your eyes “be opened” and to your eyes say, “see all that the Father has prepared for you…” This is your portion. There is no more delay. Those things in which you felt denied are standing before you at your feet, ready to be unwrapped as the gift of heaven, just for you.
Revel in My kindness this day. Thank Me for all that I have already done. You have asked and you have asked, but I say to you enter into the finished work. I gave you dominion and I told you to subdue, now let that territory of life you live in become the jurisdiction where you stand as the principality and the power. You are not really going to allow Satan to be the prince of the power of your air, are you? He is not a legitimate authority. Let your mouth say “the Lord rebuke you” and see what happens next. Resist the enemy and he will flee. Stand boldly in your faith and know that I am with you to perform all My good word in your behalf.

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