The Father Says Today: December 3rd, 2015

dpw-150The Father says today that MONEY MOVES BY THE SPIRIT – and in your life as you COOPERATE FINANCIALLY WITH ME. I am turning back the curse of poverty and want and lack where you are concerned. For I am going to refresh and renew within you a willing heart to give to ministry purpose. For I would have you not only to give to a need, but to give to the anointing. I’m going to cause you to feel and experience anointing from different ministries, and when you feel that anointing I want you to give in the moment. If you have to go to the front and lay the money down on the altar or platform then do it.
What you make happen for others I will make happen for you. Take a personal inventory of your life and your property and your personal possessions – do it quickly and do it now for YOUR RESPONSE TIME TO ME is a MEASUREMENT of MY RESPONSE TIME TO YOU … if you delay, I will delay. If you are half hearted then things won’t happen that I am ready to do in your life. Inventory your personal possessions and GIVE AWAY TO THE POOR EVERYTHING that is not necessary and needful to your life at this time. Clothes you don’t wear, shoes you don’t wear, furniture you don’t sit on, appliances, cars you don’t drive, whatever may be a blessing to others, and I will open the windows of heaven and bring you into the economy of the kingdom that will completely reshape your financial life says the Father.

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